In every job that must be done There is an element of fun You find the fun and... snap!
The job's a game
And …
In every job that must be done There is an element of fun You find the fun and... snap!
The job's a game
And every task you undertake Becomes a piece of cake A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see
That... a...
Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down The medicine go do—own The medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down In a most delightful way
A robin feathering his nest Has very little time to rest While gathering his Bits of twine and twig
Though quite intent in his pursuit He has a merry tune to toot He knows a song Will move the job along
For a Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down The medicine go do—own The medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down In a most delightful way.
The honeybees that fetch the nector From the flower to the comb Never tire of ever buzzing to and fro
Because they take a little nip Fom every flower that they sip And hence (and hence) They find (they find) Their task is not a grind
Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h ah!
[Instrumental until end]