MAMA is a developing spatial practice to whom maintenance matters. This website collects a wide range of our reflexions and presents them in the form of a manual. Download yours, select all or filter by tags.

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1969 60's 70's activist after-the-fact adaptation animal app art article artist automatic avalanche barrier behavior control behaviour control biennale Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne 2017 bird book Brazil brick bridge Brussels building bulb bush busted buzzing cactus cafe California Canada chemical product children chimney chimney sweepers. citizen city cleaning cladding cleaner cleaning cleanness climbers community cooling system countryside cover craft crime curtain wall custodian cycle damage denmark diagram diary dimensions dinosaurs disaster document documentary door doors drama drops dry season dust economist electric panel Empire State building Entretien e(s)t l'architecture event evolution exhibit explosives facade failure family fatberg feminism fence film fine fire firefighter fly forest foundations France furniture garden gardening Gary please Gary please. toilet goats gondola graffiti gun hands drying harness heater heroes Herzog highway Hillary Sample hippies home home cleaning homeless homicide hospital house cleaning illness infrastructure inmate inmates inovation insect interior interview invasive janitor Jerry Rubin journalist justice knotweed labour condition law lawn leaves LED life extension long text lord lost reference magic Maintenance as architecture Maintenance-Free manifesto many many years market militars MobiliSE moisture Monsanto mountain mud museum neighbour neufert noise nook Norman Rockwell Obama obsession obsolescence paint painting paper persona pet pipe plant podcast poles police politics presentation preventive maintenance prison protection prototype question quote radiator Rem Koolhaas Renzo right to repair risk road robot rock Rome root roots rubbish salt sand-blasting sash window scaffolding scratch script sculpture seaside section selective cleaning sewers shelter sink slave social social control social housing socially conscious capitalism sofa song spikes Squat StEtienne Stewart Brand stickers Location: WTC stools street furniture street light strike structure stupid tag tap temple theory thieves toilet tool tourist training trap tree trench Trump tube tuning tv tv series twitter UK Ukeles under construction underconstruction unintelligible urban-furniture USA vacuum venice video volunteer wages wall Walt Disney water water restrictions weeds wet wipes window window cleaner window cleaners window cleaning windows women wood floor working conditions XIX youtube